Thursday, September 27, 2007

Friday Night Lights

It was like friday night lights during our last intrumural football game. We were playing our rivals the mustang that day and whe came to win. Me being the quarterback for the warriors I had the most imortant job, and that was to make sure that we had some points on the board. We started off the game and it was a stand still 0-0 it was anybodies game in the second half. We came out strong i rushed the ball for a first down and was smacked on the floor, and out came the late hit penalty, we had a 15 yard gain. Then my reciever went deep and i found him in the zone. Score was 8-0 we were winning and it felt good. Then my saftey intercepted the ball for a touchdown, game over the warriors won.

College Life

College life has been pretty good for the most part. For the first week its been all about fun and entertaining myself. Now after a couple weeks went by I found out that the slightest obstacle can be a major set back. For a week and some days college life has been all about catching up on all my assignments do to absences because of some personal problems. I thought that it would be a stroll in college but boy was i wrong. I have seen that not committing to your work can affect how you accomplish what needs to be done. But after everything i straightened out, there are no more illness or problems, I think I'm ready to finally continue with my freshmen year of college.